Actress Nicola Thorp has revealed that her Coronation Street character Nicola Rubinstein will have a heated showdown with Gary Windass once she recovers from the gunshot injury she received on Friday. As fans of the ITV soap saw in last week's dramatic episodes, Nicola landed herself in hospital after being shot by her psychopathic father Pat Phelan. And it looks as though Gary will feel the full force of Nicola's anger once she discovers that his actions led to Phelan's final return to the Street.


Speaking to on the red carpet at this year's British Soap Awards, Thorp said: "Nicola's got a couple of bones to pick with Gary. They were always in cahoots about the Phelan plans, but he left her out of this crucial one at a time when she was giving birth to their son. He’s got a lot to answer for."


Recent episodes saw Phelan be abducted and dragged back to Weatherfield by Gary, only to then escape, storm Number 11 and shoot Nicola. Following a tense stand-off, Phelan ended up dead after being stabbed by Anna Windass, while the residents of the Street learned that Nicola's bullet wound would not be fatal. Speaking about what lies ahead, the Corrie star commented:

"Nicola now has to deal with the repercussions of what Phelan has done. The writers have set up this lovely relationship with Nicola and Eileen and I’m excited to see that blossom and develop. They’ve both had some horrible things happen to them in the past year, but this could solidify their friendship."


As for whether Nicola could end up taking after her murderous dad, Thorp said: "I think there’s a side to Nicola that is very strong-willed and strong-minded. Up until now she’s used that for good, whereas Phelan used it for evil. But, you know, never say never."

Thorp's comments came on a good night for Corrie at London’s Hackney Empire that saw it take home six awards including Best Actress for Lucy Fallon (Bethany Platt), Best Villain for Connor McIntyre (Pat Phelan) and the coveted Best Soap Award.


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