Yasmeen fights back after Geoff's fake suicide attempt in Coronation Street
The abused wife secretly plots against her horrid husband

Evil Geoff Metcalfe (Ian Bartholomew) pulled his sickest stunt yet in Coronation Street with a fake suicide attempt to stop wife Yasmeen Metcalfe (Shelley King) leaving him, but while it appeared to work, he is oblivious she is secretly in touch with the police to investigate his past.
After enduring months of coercive control, Yasmeen bravely stood up to her sinister spouse upon discovering he had been hiring escorts, and had deliberately scuppered plans for them to attend her grandson's wedding abroad.
Monday 6th April's episode saw him beg her not to leave as she left to stay with granddaughter Alya Nazir for a few days, only for Yas to then be plagued with a stream of worrying texts from belligerent Geoff full of apologies and imploring his other half to come home - eventually implying he was so upset he was considering taking his own life with the words: "Don't be surprised if I'm dead when you get home…"
Despite Alya's insistence this was emotional blackmail as punishment for her defiance, she accompanied her concerned gran back to the house, only to find a smashed picture frame, drops of blood - and no sign of Geoff.
In a jaw-dropping twist, viewers then saw Geoff spying on a distraught Yasmeen through the CCTV on his phone while calmly sipping a pint in a pub!
Waiting alone, Yasmeen was relieved when Geoff finally returned seemingly full of regret for alarming her with his emotional outburst. Turning the tables, as ever, back on Yasmeen, the mean Mr Metcalfe agreed they put the incident behind them while he went to fetch a takeaway.

However, Alya's warning continued to ring true for Yasmeen, and while Geoff was out she made a sneaky phone call to the police officer her granddaughter had put her in touch with a few weeks ago.
Out of earshot to her husband she requested to access information on her husband under Clare's Law - also known as the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme - whereby members of the public can ask for the police to disclose details of their partner's past with regard to abusive or violent behaviour.
At long last, Yasmeen is fighting back against her fella's regime of control that has seen her bullied, belittled and isolated from everyone else in her life to make her solely reliant on Geoff.
But considering the drastic lengths he's already taken to keep Yasmeen in her place, is Mrs Metcalfe dicing with danger by going behind his back? And when she meets with the police on Wednesday 8th April, what exactly will she learn about his horrible history?
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