Geoff destroys evidence of Yasmeen showdown in Coronation Street
Has he covered his tracks? "Time will tell…" says Ian Bartholomew

Geoff Metcalfe (Ian Bartholomew) continues to pull the wool over everyone's eyes in Coronation Street's coercive control storyline, with the abusive husband's latest attempt to hide the truth seeing him destroy CCTV footage of the argument that drove wife Yasmeen Metcalfe (Shelley King) to slit his throat after months of verbal and psychological bullying took their toll.
Playing the victim and maintaining Yasmeen is an unstable alcoholic who staged an unprovoked murder attempt, Geoff moved back home on Monday 1st June after police intervention scuppered his spouse's protective granddaughter Alya Nazir's plan to lock him out.
Caught red-handed by son Tim Metcalfe scrolling through secret recordings from a camera he set up to monitor Yas's every move, Geoff had to think on his feet.
In true manipulative Metcalfe style, he gaslighted his offspring once again and lied he'd installed CCTV for security purposes following a burglary and was checking if it had recorded his wife's 'attack' - only the equipment had failed. However, viewers know proof of his intimidating goading does exist, and he managed to hide it from Tim in the nick of time…
"Geoff doesn't want anything to contradict his side of the story," says Bartholomew. "Any CCTV footage, incriminating or not, has to go. Then it's his word against Yasmeen's. And for months he has been spreading the story that she is obviously not a well woman.
"He always sees himself as the victim because then he has no need to question his own motives or behaviour."
Convincing gullible Tim of his version of events, sneaky Geoff was seen at the end of the episode putting the rubbish out and slipped the camera containing the damning footage into the bin.

He may have managed to put out that particular fire, but another one brews later this week when fragile Yasmeen, who blames herself for the assault, tells Alya of her hubby's penchant for sex with paid escorts which led to him giving her an STI.
"Publicly, Geoff is ashamed and contrite when it comes out about seeing escorts," continues Bartholomew. "However, privately I don't think he has any shame or embarrassment whatsoever. His view is he is a man who has needs, and the escorts take care of those needs for him."
Daughter-in-law Sally Metcalfe is sickened by the sleazy secret, and along with the camera footage that is just begging to be found in the wheelie bin, could Corrie be sowing the seeds for Geoff's eventual comeuppance?
"Over time Geoff learns Sally is starting to have her doubts, and this causes a massive problem concerning Tim and the possibility he might suspect his dad is not what he appears to be. Maintaining the public image of Mr Nice Guy and Jolly Geoff is what drives him.
"As for disposing of the filmed evidence, has he done enough to cover his tracks? He'd like to think so, but time will tell…"
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