It's becoming disturbingly clear how far Coronation Street's Jade Rowan (Lottie Henshall) is prepared to go in order to destroy the life of Fiz Stape (Jennie McAlpine) after she put a twisted plan in place to frame her for physically abusing daughter Hope.


Viewers now know the nasty nanny is the secret offspring of John Stape, Fiz's murderous ex who died eight years ago. She has deliberately got her feet under the table as part of a long-game revenge plot, as she believes her dad was innocent and blames the redhead for the string of crimes that led to his dramatic death.

Friday 29th November's hour-long edition saw Jade lay the groundwork to gaslight unsuspecting Fiz and make it appear she's beating unruly Hope, by feigning concern to local GP Dr Gaddas about a 'friend' who noticed some bruises on a child's arms.

Earlier this week Jade used make-up to put fake bruises on Hope and photographed them, telling the kid it was a secret fun game that only the pair of them could know about.

coronation street jade rowan hope stape

Worried Dr Gaddas encouraged Jade to tell her 'friend' they should reach out to the authorities if they suspected any form of child abuse, as the pieces of her messed-up meddling master plan to take her half-sister Hope from Fiz started to fall into place. Upon learning that Fiz no longer required her services as Hope was starting school again, Jade sneakily handed the little girl a burner phone so they could keep in touch.

"Jade will do everything she can to get Hope away from Fiz and Tyrone," Henshall warns. "We have seen her using make-up to put the fake bruises on Hope and photographing them – that will be used to cause maximum damage!

coronation street fiz stape jade rowan

"She thinks Fiz is a danger to Hope, but Jade has been brainwashed to by her mum and been told so many lies about what went on that she is a victim herself in many ways."

Fiz paid the price for John's crimes back in the day and ended up in prison, and we reckon she could be heading back to the big house as Jade plots to get her out of the picture – permanently…


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer,