Home and Away's Colby Thorne (Tim Franklin) continues his desperate search for missing sister Bella next week, but when his fiancee Chelsea Campbell (Ashleigh Brewer) hits a dead end it's Dean Thompson (Patrick O'Connor) to the rescue with a risky new plan to help his old River Boy associate.


Cop Colby fears for his sibling's life, who vanished six years ago with her father - and Colby's sinister stepdad - Ross, and attempts to track her down so far have proved unsuccessful. Chelsea begged her dad, an experienced police officer, to tap up his contacts to aid the hunt but he refused as he disapproves of his daughter marrying a former gangster.

On Monday 14 January Chelsea appeals to her mum to give her access to her dad's paperwork, but she refuses to betray her husband and sticks to her guns that unless she dumps Colby, they won't help. Not only that, neither of her parents will be attending the wedding…

Colby also begs Robbo (Jake Ryan) to help, drawing on his background from his old life as a federal officer, but he points out that Ross technically has not broken any laws by taking off with Bella and keeping her hidden as she is his biological daughter, even if they've left the country.


On Tuesday 15 January, Dean reveals he has contacted Ray Holsten, a hot-shot private investigator one of the River Boys gang hired back in the day in the hope it could move the investigation on. With no trace of Bella anywhere, Chelsea also suggests they focus their search on Ross himself, who may be easier to locate.

Upon hearing Dean's plan, Colby is hesitant as he can't afford a PI with a wedding to pay for, but he's bowled over when his friend offers to pay the bill using the money his estranged dad gave him. Colby agrees, and makes Dean his best man.

With Colby and Chelsea's wedding having already aired in Australia as the pre-Christmas 2018 season finale, fans know evil Ross is set to make an appearance on the big day - but will he have Bella with him? And what trouble will he bring to Summer Bay?


Visit our dedicated Home and Away page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers.
