Nish Panesar (Navin Chowdhry) is about to uncover The Six's shocking cover-up of Keanu Taylor's (Danny Walters) murder next week, and EastEnders is about to witness his revenge.


In a new interview shared with, actor Chowdhry explains how his evil alter ego learns the truth, and teases how Nish will use this knowledge for his own gain.

The star also discusses Nish's manipulative tactics against ex-wife Suki (Balvinder Sopal) and her fiancée Eve Unwin (Heather Peace).

There's also the promise of a truly unexpected Halloween, leaving us wondering just how explosive the night is going to be!

While we fear for The Six's fate, you can read the full chat below.

Suki stares at Nish, she is dressed in blue while he wears a suit in EastEnders
Suki and Nish in EastEnders. BBC

Nish has been plotting over the last few weeks to spend more time with Suki. Do you think he sees a way back for them?

"I think he is a man that can’t take no for an answer. This is just another tactic employed to see if he can either find a way back to Suki in his deluded state of mind, or cause as much disruption for Eve and Suki as a plan B.

"So either option is on his mind. We saw in the last couple of weeks where he told Suki 'this will never stop' and 'this will never end', and then he had a heart issue and his family were kind enough to offer some sort of forgiveness to him to see out his final days with them."

Can you describe where Nish and Suki have got to in their relationship in the lead-up to this week?

"It depends whose perspective you’re looking at. In truth, there is no relationship, apart from them seeing out his final days with the family. They're trying to be dignified as a family unit – despite what Nish has done and all the damage that he's caused, they still find it within themselves to allow him to not die alone.

"But aside from that, there is no relationship at all, whereas in his mind he'll latch and cling onto anything. So that, combined with the engagement of Suki and Eve, is just too much for his fragile ego and narcissism to handle.

"Even if he had any inkling of maybe accepting his fate, he can't, as he takes their happiness and their joy as them flaunting it in his face. Once again, he will plot to cause disruption. It's never ending."

Nish begins to grow suspicious of The Six this week. What does he think they are hiding?

Kathy, Linda and Stacey sit as Suki stands back and Nish pours a glass of champagne in EastEnders
The Six are at risk again. BBC

"Nish accidentally stumbles on nuggets of information. He doesn't really know what’s going on, but he senses within the group some anxiety, particularly from Kathy to begin with, and then from Suki.

"It isn't something that was at the forefront of his mind, but then seeing how suspicious they are behaving, and remembering that he was nearly fatally hurt, he chooses to prod and investigate further.

"He wasn't initially suspicious of them. He thought even though the entire story seemed quite bizarre and farfetched, he accepted it, because in his mind there's other things to be concentrating on – his family and winning back Suki."

Nish is reinterviewed by the police about last Christmas. How does he feel going into this?

"I don't think he really thinks too much of it. I think it's, at first, a bit of an inconvenience for him. He's not really sure what he can contribute, and thinks, 'What can I possibly help you with? At one minute I was standing trying to take my wife home, and the next minute I'm in hospital.' That's all he remembers.

"So he's not really too engaged. His mind is on other things, like his grandson that he's brought back into the family, and about reconnecting with Suki and disrupting Suki and Eve. What does happen is there are a few notes that don't sit with him properly, and it makes him reconsider what had happened, and makes him want to investigate further."

Finally, Nish discovers the truth of Christmas. How does he react to the news?

Nish standing behind Kathy, holding a bottle of champagne as Suki stands to the side in EastEnders
Nish discovers what happened to him at Christmas. BBC

"I think it’s a mixture of disbelief and horror. Anger that this could happen to him and that these people who did this to him are walking around freely getting on with their lives while he nearly died.

"So there is a vengeful instinct within him to want to get back at the people that hurt him, but at the same time, the manipulative part of his character sees the opportunity he now has with this information, and it's probably the best card he's ever been dealt."

Do you think Nish will keep the secret, or could he use it to his advantage?

"He's totally going to use it for his advantage. He’s never had a better bargaining chip to blackmail Suki than the information which could send all of The Six to jail. He now holds the key to all their freedom, and he's going to use it to get exactly what he wants.

"To his surprise, and out of nowhere, he suddenly has this wonderful opportunity to tighten his hold on his family and all around him. He's been empowered, totally empowered."

Nish moves back into No. 41 this week. What is his motivation behind this?

"In his heart and his mind and his soul, he doesn’t want to die alone. He wants to die with his family around him, with the hope that somehow there is forgiveness and love, and also the chance to be close to Suki. So it presents a lot of opportunities for him."

With Halloween fast approaching, do you think Nish Panesar has any more tricks up his sleeve?

"He's got one massive trick up his sleeve that I don't think anyone could expect. Nobody can see the hand he’s going to play, and no one can imagine what he has in store on Halloween night."

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EastEnders airs Monday to Thursday at 7:30pm on BBC One and from 6am on BBC iPlayer.


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