5 EastEnders spoilers for next week: Leo confronts Whitney, plus Callum has a mystery stalker
And Mick believes Ollie is better off without Linda

Are Mick and Linda really going to get divorced? Will Leo emerge from his creepy hideaway? Here are all the EastEnders spoilers for the week ahead as we reveal all the biggest storylines coming to Walford over the next seven days.
Mick’s harsh words for Linda
EastEnders really isn’t pulling its punches with Linda’s (Kellie Bright) booze-battle plotline. Just compare and contrast with the way Emmerdale treated Moira’s problem with drink: she merely passed out on the sofa a few times, fell into a ditch and then exited for a recuperative stay with Nana Barton.
Watching Linda, though, it’s almost as if you can smell the fumes being secreted through her pores. And, in what was surely a soap first, we recently saw the landlady of the Queen Vic wetting herself in public after a particularly horrendous bender. Following that low for Linda, I reckon some fans across the land must have looked at the half-empty wine bottle on their coffee table and thought, “Nah, I’ll save that for another night”. On Monday, the fractures deepen as Linda reels from Mick’s (Danny Dyer) admonishment that their son Ollie might be better off without her. After witnessing the Carters’ latest crisis, might viewers once again end up foregoing their nightly tipple?

Leo confronts Whitney
Leo's (Tom Wells) eye peeping through his spy hole was the most unnerving image of last week's episodes. But it's a wonder that Whitney (Shona McGarty) hasn't worked out that she has a loft-based stalker. Can she not hear the ominous, horror-movie music that seems to play whenever we get a scene in her bedroom at Dot's house? But it doesn't seem as though Leo will be keeping a covert watch on his prey for much longer - Friday's episode will see him emerge from his secret lair to confront a nerve-jangled Whit...

Bex is off
A scandalised Bex is set to pack her bags and leave the family home after discovering that Sonia (Natalie Cassidy) defrauded Dot before letting Martin (James Bye) take the rap. News that Jasmine Armfield is to leave EastEnders has already broken, but for the moment at least Bex isn't going far. There's a spare room at Iqra and Habiba's house that Bex is determined to bag, if only to put some space between her and her light-fingered mum.

Who's watching Callum?
Callum takes one step closer to becoming a police officer when he takes his assessment test for the force. But he might need to brush up on his surveillance skills, seeing as there's a mystery observer monitoring his movements. Just who can this stalker be? And what will Callum's reaction be when this person makes their presence felt and calls round at Callum's home?

Will Ian defend Bobby?
Was anyone else left aghast when it turned out that Ian Beale was actually standing as an independent in those local council elections? Ian’s a poster boy for the Conservatives if ever there was one, right? Though I think we’ve witnessed politicians of all stripes trying to salvage their reputation in the midst of a crisis. We’ll see tonight how Ian fares as he addresses the thorny issue of some incendiary posts on social media badmouthing his son Bobby.

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