EastEnders: watch the alternative bus crash footage
See the smash-up from two new angles

EastEnders has released two clips showing the Bridge Street bus crash from alternative angles.
As viewers have seen in this week's episodes, a double decker smashed into the bridge over the market after the driver appeared to have a heart attack.
The aftermath of the disaster found the residents of Albert Square rallying to save Martin, who lay trapped beneath the vehicle. Tuesday's cliffhanger saw Mick fearing that Whitney could now be a casualty of the wreck.
Now, fans of the BBC1 soap get to see the smash-up from different viewpoints - from the drivers' perspective and those sitting on the upper deck...
You can see the clips below. Beneath those, there's a 60-second rundown of all next week's drama on EastEnders.
And visit our dedicated EastEnders page for all the latest news, interviews and spoilers.