It's been a stressful time for Coronation Street cabbie Tim Metcalfe (played by Joe Duttine) of late. His wife Sally (Sally Dynevor) was trapped and almost killed during the factory disaster. And Sally has had a proper big fallout with her sister Gina Seddon (Connie Hyde). Families, eh?


But on Sunday 31 March, it appears it's all too much for Tim when he begins to feel unwell but puts it down to indigestion.

Coronation Street, Tim Metcalfe, Sally Metcalfe
Sally is unaware as Tim's chest pains begin to get worse... (Picture: ITV)

However, when Gina calls in at the cab office, she's shocked at how unwell Tim looks. But should she raise her concerns to sister Sally, considering the siblings are not speaking and Sally reckons everyone would be better off if Gina left Weatherfield!

Meanwhile, Tim is at home when he is struck by more chest pains that spread down his arm...

Afraid something is seriously wrong with Tim, Gina hurries around to No.8 to warn Sally and urges her to call an ambulance! But will Sally take Gina's warning seriously or tell her to mind her own business?

Coronation Street, Sally Metcalfe, Gina Seddon
Gina warns Sally about Tim... but are they too late? (Picture: ITV)

In which case, things could be about to take a fatal turn for Tim...


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