Dan Spencer’s (Liam Fox) brother Daz (Mark Jordon) arrives in the village next week and immediately has the local women swooning over him and his stories of Army life.


Pretty soon, Daz has won over Dan’s mates and become the centre of attention, even going to the extent of heroically foiling a robbery attempt at David’s shop. But is Daz actually too good to be true?

“Well, Daz is ex-military. He was a staff sergeant and he’s used to commanding over a hundred men and having lots of respect,” says actor Mark Jordon. “But when Daz arrives, you see that something has changed in him. As time goes by, it becomes clear that he may not be the man to trust.”

Indeed, it seems that Daz is very jealous of the set-up that Dan has in Emmerdale, especially in terms of his relationship with bride-to-be Kerry (Laura Norton).

“Daz sees how well his brother is doing and can’t resist messing things up,” continues Jordon. “There’s such spite in his actions. It’s the kind of terrible bullying that a big brother does to a little brother. Instead of being happy for Dan, Daz is quite jealous.”

So from where does this sibling rivalry stem? “I’ve had many chats with Liam Fox about this. We were trying to work out what set them off in such different directions and we think it’s down to a favouritism from their parents from when they were younger. Dan had to be the man of the house and was probably favoured by their mum and Daz is still envious of not getting the same attention.”

Thankfully, the action behind the scenes is far less fractious, with former Heartbeat star Jordon admitting that Emmerdale has been one of his most enjoyable ever acting jobs.


“Everyone’s been delightful to me and it’s one of the most calming sets I’ve ever been on,” he says. “There’s never a raised voice. After my first day’s filming, my cheekbones were aching because I’d been smiling so much. I’m in love with my screen family!”


David BrownWriter, Radio Times magazine and RadioTimes.com