Sinister Hollyoaks teacher Laurie Shelby (Kyle Pryor) continues his worrying manipulation of wife Sinead Shelby (Stephanie Davis) and co-worker Sienna Blake (Anna Passey) next week when he plays on his spouse's insecurity and forces his colleague to spend a night in close proximity with him in a tent on a school camping trip, leaving the trainee teacher more than a little uncomfortable.


Arriving at their destination for the overnight stay for pupils and staff of Hollyoaks High, Sienna is annoyed to discover her tent has been ripped.

When deputy head Laurie suggests she share his canvas Sienna is less than enthusiastic, recalling his history of inappropriate advances and accusations of misconduct. But after more calculating behaviour from Laurie, and fearing reprisals from her boss, Sienna agrees and the pair are forced to spend the night getting awkwardly cosy…


Who does Sinead cheat on Laurie with back in the village?

Sick Laurie takes this as a victory as he gets Sienna on her own, knowing full well when word gets back to Sinead she will be gripped with jealousy - which is exactly what he wants. Convinced her other half is cheating on her, upset Sinead turns to Sami Maalik (Rishi Nair) and misreads his caring for something else and impulsively kisses him, causing all sorts of trouble for the Lothario lawyer's romance with Liberty Savage (Jessamyn Stoddart).

Sinead ends up public enemy number one, branded a homewrecker by seething Lib, as Laurie continues exerts to exert a sinister control over her. But when will Sinead and Sienna realise how much danger they are both in from coercive Laurie? And can either woman find the courage to stand up to him and stop his creepy antics?


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer,