The revelations just keep on coming for Hollyoaks' Deveraux family with the latest jaw-dropping twist being that Celeste Faroe (Andrea Ali) is in fact the sister, not the wife, of Toby Faroe (Bobby Gordon), making her the secret third sibling of him and Mitchell Deveraux (Imran Adams)!


Fans have known since December 2019 Toby was the long-lost twin Martine Deveraux (Kelle Bryan) gave away at birth and was seeking revenge on the family that rejected him. Now the clan know his true identity, it transpires creepy 'spouse' Celeste was not just along for the ride, as Tuesday 10th March's E4 episode confirmed Martine had triplets and gave two away - and they've been posing as husband and wife to put everyone off the scent…

While viewers scratch their heads and await further answers from the bonkers backstory, gets the lowdown from Ali on one of the most audacious developments of 2020 so far.

You've been in Hollyoaks for a few months, has it been difficult to keep this big secret?
It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life! The fans pick up on things very quickly, and there has been so much anticipation for a big reveal. A few of the cast didn't even know when we first came in so they were confused too! There has been mystery surrounding Toby and Celeste, now the audience can understand more about our backstory.

What has been your favourite fan theory about the characters?
What's nice about the theories is that they put Celeste in the protective role, which means her character is really showing through and the dynamics between her and Toby are clear. My favourite theory was that Celeste is Walter's late brother's daughter, and now her and Toby want to take down the family because they don't like their morals! I felt bad as I couldn't like any of the theories on social media as I didn't want to give anything away!

hollyoaks celeste faroe toby faroe mitchell deveraux

Are there any more hidden secrets in the family?
The Deverauxs are full of secrets and deception. They are hiding things and covering stuff up. Toby and Celeste are still the newbies and trying to establish trust and a relationship. Naturally, they're intentions might not be good from the outset…

How would you describe Toby and Celeste's relationship?
They have grown up together. It seems like she is controlling him, and Toby depends on his sister's direction, but I think it's the other way around: Celeste depends on Toby a lot. That is her comfort, and maker her feel like she's in control of something for the first time in her life.

Is Celeste worried about the reaction of the locals, as they have pretended to be a married couple?
I don't think Toby and Celeste understand the consequences or care that much about what others think. Their main goal was to get to the family, and that was the disguise they needed. They accomplished their mission and whatever anybody else thinks does not matter to them. It will be a shock, but they'll soon understand their motives.

Richard Blackwood, Hollyoaks

Does Celeste want to get to know her birth family?
First and foremost she wants answers for herself, to have an understanding as to why she was abandoned. I don't even think Toby and Celeste had an idea how far this would go, or what's going to happen next. Celeste is not as predictable as she seems and may take a turn either way, depending on how she feels that day. She is very temperamental!

Finally, Richard Blackwood arrives soon as the triplets' dad, Felix - what can you tell us about that?
It is an unexpected surprise. Toby and Celeste weren't sure what the family dynamic would be, other than this idea Mitchell would be the golden boy. He was loved and adored by his family, while they were unwanted and abandoned. They now realise Felix was not a part of Mitchell's life, so that's something they all have in common. They can't actually blame Michell for everything. It will be exciting to have the family come together and see how it all plays out…


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer,