Monday 7 October


Fraser and Trevor attempt to frame an innocent villager for their malicious act, but will they succeed? Has Ste finally managed to say goodbye to all his ghosts? Can John Paul really call it a day with his secret lover Danny, or will he give in to temptation? Mercedes determines to bring down bad boy Trevor, and Martha’s dislike of Will grows.

Tuesday 8 October

As the odds are stacked against him, will anybody save Ste from a life behind bars? As the investigation into Anna’s death draws to a close, is Will in danger of being found out? Mercedes and Sinead join forces in order to bid farewell to Trevor one last time, but will they succeed? Feeling more alone than ever, Tom concocts a plan with a friend to win his family back.

Wednesday 9 October

Mercedes steps up her game, but has she placed herself in mortal danger? Or will she finally see the back of her family’s greatest enemy? Will Tom’s efforts to reunite the Osbornes be in vain, or will they prove successful? Doug makes a surprising discovery, while Martha’s suspicions and Ash’s odd behaviour further fuel Will’s paranoia.

Thursday 10 October

Doug is keen for Ste to know the truth, but with so much history, is it really for the best? Under pressure, Darren is left with little choice but to hurt Jack in the hardest of ways. With villagers in immense danger, Jim has an idea, but can they pull it off before it’s too late? When Will makes a show of himself in front of a concerned crowd, can Ash forgive him? And Tom steps up his game to prove Sienna’s evil antics.

Friday 11 October


It’s D-day for Mercedes, but has she done enough to secure a safe haven for her family? Tom’s idea appears to be working, but when Darren discovers his dishonesty, how will he react? Dodger is shocked to discover a piece of Will’s sordid past, but is there a plausible reason for this despicable evidence? Elsewhere, Doug and Ste make an impulsive, heartfelt decision.


David BrownWriter, Radio Times magazine and