Hollyoaks' revolving cast door welcomes back John Paul McQueen, who responds to the bat signal sent out by evil Edward Hutchinson who plans to use the fan favourite as part of his plot to flush rapist Finn O'Connor from the village.


It's a typically calculated move on Dr Hutchinson's part, who is less bothered about Finn's sex offender past and just wants him gone because he's the only member of the family not to be fooled by his suave patriarch act.

So JP, after catching up with old flame James Nightingale, finds himself face-to-face with his rapist more than five years after he was sent down, but the meeting doesn't quite go as you might imagine…

I'll admit to some trepidation when Finn was reintroduced, but his journey of rehabilitation and genuine remorse has been deftly handled and extremely thought-provoking. Could his attempts at atonement be undone by Edward's string-pulling as he tries to ensure Finn can never escape his past, no matter how sorry he is?

hollyoaks john paul mcqueen finn o'connor

A note to Sutton fans (John Paul's partnership with Craig Dean was one of the first 'shipped' couples to become an online sensation more than a decade ago, remember #McDean and the #SunsetEnding?) - this is merely a tasting menu for his full-time return. JP is back for just two episodes but rejoins the regular cast later this winter.

Big sister Mercedes is still spooked as the person who shot her remains at large. Seeing as she's sticking to her lie that it was husband Sylver, just to get her own back for him sleeping with Grace Black, this truly is karma at work. Spooky goings-on with some beer barrels round the back of the pub leave the landlady shaken - could the shooter be planning to take aim again?

hollyoaks mercedes mcqueen

Finally, new It Couple Toby and Celeste Faroe continue to reel in gullible Jesse Donovan promising to help rebrand the salon as a hip and happening hot spot. These two have the poise and purpose of a couple of cobras. And nice-but-dim Jesse looks like their next meal.


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer, RadioTimes.com