An hour-long special is devoted to the climax of Hollyoaks' audacious far right storyline on Monday, featuring kidnap, violence and a dramatic clifftop location - make no mistake, we are in seriously high-octane territory.


A psychologically-ravaged Ste Hay, desperate to escape his extremist prison governed over by evil activists Stuart Sumner and Jonny Baxter, finds himself bundled in a car and driven to a remote location where the sinister group take 'traitors' like him who dare to try and escape their twisted organisation.

Fears that lovable Ste would not be able to come back from such a dark chapter have thankfully been abated, thanks to Kieron Richardson's commitment and vulnerability miraculously maintaining the audience's sympathy.

hollyoaks ste hay

You can't blame him for wanting a holiday after a traumatic year of playing out the grooming and subsequent spitting out by the far right of susceptible Ste, and this week sees the actor start an extended break from the show until next year. This has been a game-changer for the character, so it will be interesting to see the long-term impact when he eventually returns.

hollyoaks darren Osborne luke morgan

Elsewhere, Darren and Luke's petty rivalry over being daddy to DJ descends into fisticuffs aboard the Love Boat (honestly, you can't even sip an over-priced smoothie in peace without something kicking off in that village), but Dazzle has more to worry about when stepson Charlie confronts him about his tussle in the tunnel with Nancy.

And it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Sienna's flat, but prissy, picky Miss Blake does not approve of boyfriend Brody and little sister Liberty's garish choice of decorations. However they choose to brighten up that drab, grey domicile it won't matter, as the festive season traditionally ends up with Sienna having a meltdown about her missing children and completely trashing the place.

hollyoaks week 47

Expect that inflatable Santa to become a pile of saggy plastic, wet with Sienna's tears, by the time the Queen's speech airs.


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Johnathon HughesSoaps Writer,