Coronation Street


It’s news that’ll make Deirdre’s hair re-perm itself: Wendy Crozier, soap’s most famous “bit on the side”, is back. Forget Natalie Horrocks or Jan from EastEnders – Ken’s 1989 affair with his council mole lingers longest in the memory because it was so destructive, leading as it did to the breakdown of his marriage and a suicide bid. So will events spiral out of control after Wendy resurfaces at a Bessie Street governors’ meeting?


We’re at the stage now where everything that comes out of Cameron’s mouth is either a half-truth or an outright lie, so it’s no surprise that the rheumy-eyed, sweaty-browed love cheat gets himself in further trouble this week. Not only does he pocket cash from the business in order to pay off Carl, but he fails to spot that Sarah has fallen unconscious while in his care because he’s too busy making frantic phone calls to Chas. Oh what a tangled web we weave…



Jean has become the Yoda of Albert Square, offering sage wisdom to any troubled soul. And they don’t come much more troubled than Phil, who’s ostensibly back in charge at the Vic but really falling apart at the seams. Jean tries to tell him that redecorating the pub won’t ease his loneliness, but Phil has never been one to take advice. Now, if only Jean could lend an ear to Syed, who’s offloading to handsome newcomer Danny. Oblivious Christian would be wise to watch out.


David BrownWriter, Radio Times magazine and