This Week in Soapland: 18-22 June
Wedding bells are ringing for Janine on Eastenders and Karl is caught between Sunita and Eva in Weatherfield...

At this rate, Gennie's waters will have broken by the time she gets round to telling Nikhil that she's pregnant and matters aren't helped when the unsuspecting dad-to-be puts his foot in it by suggesting she go on a boot-camp weight-loss course. Gennie, though, has even bigger concerns on her mind when she catches Cameron and Chas in the act. All of which should give Cameron pause for thought: he's a man with the Mark of Cain upon him, which is never good news.
Karl is caught between two cleavages as Sunita adds pressure and Eva gets suspicious. By Wednesday, it gets even worse as his worldly goods end up in bin bags.
With such a spectacle on offer, it s no wonder that Beth doesn't want to leave - although she's the first to admit that it's the ale and kebabs she'll miss. However, all is not lost as she and Tracy become allies in order to stymie Steve's attempts to sell No 13. But putting off potential buyers by adopting slatternly habits is a well-worn soap trick -surely Sally tried the very same ruse not so long ago?
Janine's marriages have often been the most dramatic (Barry pushed off a cliff) and the shortest (the elderly David dying during the service) in the history of soap. So it doesn't bode well for Michael, for whom misfortune would only be just deserts after his tormenting of poor Jean.
But first we have the wedding itself to look forward to: cue the return of Ricky with an awkward reading from Shakespeare, the resurfacing of Diane (sorry "Doi-ayne") and a surprise appearance from someone who definitely wasn't on the guest list.
What with birthdays for Usha and Adam, plus Father's Day and Open Farm Sunday, it's a week studded with celebrations. But running under the surface is a stream of tension, particularly when it comes to the Brookfield Archers, who face increased levels of intimidation. A serious crisis leaves the clan feeling more rattled than ever, while a direct threat to one of the children leads to Ruth's maternal instincts kicking in.
Decisive action is not so easy for Darrell, who faces a moral dilemma that threatens his working relationship with Matt. Pretty soon cracks are beginning to show as Darrell is forced to question his boss's business ethics following the appearance of a shady cohort.