Channel 5's behind-the-changing-room-door documentary Being Liverpool starts tonight at 9pm. Warm up for it by stretching out those thigh muscles, sipping on an isotonic drink and watching these advance clips…


Episode one opens with new manager Brendan Rodgers addressing his team before the opening game of the season against West Bromwich Albion. In a speech slightly reminiscent of Monty Python's Spanish Inquisition, Rodgers insists that the only people they can trust are themselves….

There's hilarity on a pre-season trip to the States as, in an effort to arm them against the stress of the forthcoming campaign, the players are given a yoga lesson. Standing with the sole of his foot pressed into his inner thigh isn't Jamie Carragher's forte, although he's a bit more at home standing still with one arm in the air.

On a training ground at Harvard, Rodgers gives his charges some tips on match-day tactics, emphasising the importance of not passing the ball to the opposition. If you do have to let them touch it, at least try to win a throw-in.

Much of the programme is taken up with nice but uneventful footage of the manager and players relaxing in their homes. Here, goalkeeper Pepe Reina has a look at some photographs.

Finally, there's the trailer for the series as a whole:


Being Liverpool starts tonight on Channel 5 at 9pm

