Russian athletes will not be allowed to compete at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games after the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld an athletics ban.


Track and field athletes from Russia will not be able to take part in the Olympic Games, after the Russian Athletics Federation was banned by the IAAF over alleged state-sponsored doping.

68 athletes appealed against the ban, but the Court of Arbitration for Sport decided that the original decision would stand.

Separately, the International Olympic Committee is considering whether it should ban all Russian competitors from competing in any sport at the Games. A second World Anti-Doping Agency report recommended rejecting all Russian competitors following evidence of widespread state-sponsored doping during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

“The findings of the report show a shocking and unprecedented attack on the integrity of sports and on the Olympic Games," said IOC President Thomas Bach following the report. "Therefore, the IOC will not hesitate to take the toughest sanctions available against any individual or organisation implicated.”

IAAF president Lord Coe said following the latest decision, "This is not a day for triumphant statements. I didn't come into this sport to stop athletes from competing.

"Beyond Rio, the IAAF task force will continue to work with Russia to establish a clean safe environment for its athletes so that its federation and team can return to international recognition and competition," he added.

Before the ban was upheld, former GB sprinter Darren Campbell told that any decision to allow Russian athletes to compete, even under a neutral banner, would be a brave call.

"The athletes need to prove that they're clean," the Olympic gold medallist said. "The sport is in dire trouble, so the people who allow the Russians to compete under that proviso cannot make that decision lightly.

"It has been decided by the IAAF that the Russians shouldn’t be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. For me, the IAAF did their bit. Now we’ve got to get it right."


"For too many years the sport’s been hiding and pretending it doesn’t have a problem," he added. "We know athletes were protected: people will always be willing to take a gamble cheating, but when you’re protected, you’re allowed to cheat. That is why the sport’s in a position where it is."
