John Virgo was caught saying something very naughty during commentary of the Snooker World Championships.


The veteran commentator, thinking he was off-mic, was heard swearing after he realised that he might have to miss Match of the Day.

The accident happened during the match between Mark Selby and Marco Fu, which featured the longest frame in the tournament's history. It took one hour and 16 minutes.

No wonder Virgo was miffed.

"I wanted to watch a bit of racing this afternoon. I'll be lucky to watch some f****** Match of the Day," he said, thinking he couldn't be heard by viewers back home.

Warning: strong language below (obviously).

Snooker production boss Graham Fry said, "It was a mistake and I've spoken to him about it. He's embarrassed and apologetic."


Let's just hope Virgo gets a chance to catch the potentially title-deciding match between Manchester United and Leicester City tonight.
