Tom Daley: “I’m an adrenaline junkie”
We sat down with the British diver, who reveals he's a daredevil who loves Elvis – and micro pigs

You moved house with your fiancé last year – what’s your new living room like?
I’ve got a Union Jack sofa – I’m Union Jack obsessed and I used to buy anything that had the flag on it but my fiancé [American film director Dustin Lance Black] has definitely reined me in on that. He’s got good taste. In front of my sofa there’s a round coffee table, which normally has my feet on it. We’ve got an extra-large 65-inch TV.
Do you watch exclusively British TV on your Union Jack sofa?
I’m a massive Game of Thrones fan; I’ve also been watching Stranger Things and I was told to watch Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror. I didn’t know what it was about and when I watched it all I could think was, “How did somebody come up with that idea?” My guilty pleasure is RuPaul’s Drag Race.
Do you snack while you watch?
I try not to because it can become a habit. You might eat healthily but then forget about the crisps you ate while watching TV.
If it had no effect on your training, what would you have for dinner tonight?
I’d have sushi for starters and then my mum’s sausage casserole because that’s my favourite thing. She has to cook it for me every time I go home to Plymouth. For dessert I’d have a trio of treacle sponge, sticky toffee pudding and cheesecake.
What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever read about yourself in the press?
In 2013 I bought a micro pig ornament and posted on Instagram a photo of me with this pig, and the next day it was in the Daily Mail and other papers that I’ve got this real-life micro pig. I played along with it and I put more photos from different angles so it looked like I was playing with this pig and feeding it.
But would you like a micro pig?
I would love a micro pig, it would be the cutest little thing, but I’m not at home in London enough to take care of one properly.
Who do you like following on Instagram and Twitter?
I follow food blogs for simple tricks. I read that if a bit of egg shell falls into something, you can dip the original shell back in and the tiny bit is attracted to it, like a magnet. It’s incredible.
If you could make a challenge TV show like Bake Off, what would the activity be?
Anything adrenaline-fuelled, like who can jump out of the plane the fastest, who can do the highest bungee jump. I’m an adrenaline junkie and I get such a rush every time I’m up on a diving board.
Were you a thrill-seeking child?
I always loved the scariest rides and was always so upset when I wasn’t tall enough to get on.
You were a brave kid...
Well, I also used to dress up as Elvis and sing at weddings. I’ve got a video of it on my YouTube channel – me as a mini Elvis.
Did you ever expect to have the level of fame you have?
I had no idea that this was ever going to happen, especially as a diver. It’s been kind of crazy and very weird – but definitely fun.
Tom’s Daily Plan by Tom Daley is published by HQ, HarperCollins, £16.99