WrestleMania 36 will go ahead across two evenings this weekend with a huge stack of matches to feast on in the midst of the current coronavirus pandemic.


The prerecorded show will bring plenty of relief to sport-starved fans around the world, with former NFL superstar Rob Gronkowski hosting the show from the WWE Performance Center

Watch WrestleMania 36 for free

RadioTimes.com has teamed up with wrestling news and views site Cultaholic to bring you the matches you need to watch over the course of the weekend.

Without any further ado, it's over to the Cultaholic boys to bring you their highlighted matches to soak up at WrestleMania 36...

Full list of WrestleMania 36 matches

Ross Tweddell / Editor-in-chief

Professional wrestling is inherently silly as two people pretend to fight in their underwear while showcasing unfathomable feats of physical prowess.

It's the absolute best.

With that in mind, this year's WrestleMania will see a deranged man who lives in a house with a rabbit, a witch, a buzzard and a pig boy invite the mighty JOHN CENA round for tea in the form of a Firefly Funhouse match. Nobody knows what this stipulation entails, and that's where the intrigue lays.

Imagine Noel's House Party with plentiful fights, blood and violence; Dick and Dom's bungalow with the potential for an actual murder to be seen. 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt v John Cena will have something for everybody watching - good, bad, or absolutely bats**t crazy.

Check out the most controversial moments in WrestleMania history on Cultaholic

Jack King / Writer and presenter

Despite the high-stakes title bouts, outlandish spectaculars, and a Boneyard Match (whatever that is), I’m most looking forward to Seth Rollins v Kevin Owens.

This is partly because I’m a boring traditionalist, and value good, solid action over the wackier side of wrestling. But make no mistake about it - this match will be anything but tedious.

Expect to see two elite-level athletes backed by a solid storyline. Rollins has enjoyed a litany of WrestleMania triumphs, defeating the likes of Triple H and Brock Lesnar. Owens is in search of his first real moment, and may well find it here.


For Ross, Jack and the Cultaholic gang's WrestleMania 36 predictions, check out their video preview


Michael PottsSport Editor

Michael Potts is the Sport Editor for Radio Times, covering all of the biggest sporting events across the globe with previews, features, interviews and more. He has worked for Radio Times since 2019 and previously worked on the sport desk at Express.co.uk after starting his career writing features for What Culture. He achieved a first-class degree in Sports Journalism in 2014.
