In the men’s skeleton, Yun Sungbin is hoping to make history with South Korea’s first gold in a sliding event. There’s also the first stage of the men’s figure skating, where American teenager Nathan Chen is hoping to dethrone defending Olympic champion Yuzuru Hanyu of Japan. Live coverage with Radzi Chinyanganya.


On the ice, the women’s round-robin matches continue in the curling, and the men’s ice hockey preliminary rounds feature a Russian team (OAR) competing under a neutral flag.

There’s also the first glimpse of Britain’s only Sochi gold medallist, Lizzy Yarnold, who will begin the defence of her Olympic skeleton title. But also watch her team-mate Laura Deas, who could well outshine her more famous compatriot.

In the men’s curling, Britain look to gain revenge on Sweden, who pipped them to gold at 2017’s European Championships.

Winter Olympics Day 7 highlights

Women's skeleton

Live from 11am on BBC1

Lizzy Yarnold Winter Olympics gold medal Sochi 2014
Lizzy Yarnold Winter Olympics gold medal Sochi 2014

"Britain’s chances here are really good," says former skeleton gold medallist Amy Williams. "Lizzy Yarnold famously won gold four years ago, but the other Brit, Laura Deas, is currently ranked in the top ten in the world. You might even get better odds on Laura bringing home a medal; she’s recently been in better form and outperforming Lizzy. Germany’s Jacqueline Lölling is the world champion and always a fierce competitor, while Canada’s Elisabeth Vathje is also one to watch."

Cross Country Skiing: Men's 15km Freestyle

PYEONGCHANG-GUN, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 14: Bryan Fletcher of the United States competes during the Nordic Combined Individual Gundersen Normal Hill and 10km Cross Country on day five of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics at Alpensia Cross-Country Centre on February 14, 2018 in Pyeongchang-gun, South Korea. (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

6am on BBC red button, replay on BBC1 from 10am

"Andrew Musgrave is Britain’s best hope in cross country," says BBC expert Graham Bell, "and his best event is the 15km freestyle.

"There are two styles of cross country skiing: classic and freestyle. In classic, your skis face forward the whole time and run in pre-prepared grooves. Andrew, however, prefers freestyle: there are no grooves in the snow, and the technique is more like skating. You push your skis from side to side and attack the hills hard: it’s a lot more physically demanding."

Freestyle Skiing: Women's Aerials

PYEONGCHANG-GUN, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 15: Fanyu Kong of China competes during the Freestyle Skiing Ladies' Aerials Qualification on day six of the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games at Phoenix Snow Park on February 15, 2018 in Pyeongchang-gun, South Korea. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)

11am on BBC red button

"Running off a huge ramp, aerial skiing sees competitors launch themselves up to six metres in the air and perform extraordinary twists and flips," Bell says. "In summer they practise by using water ramps, riding down jumps and landing in water instead of snow — but even water can be a hard landing if it goes wrong. British aerial skier Lloyd Wallace knocked himself out while practising in Switzerland last summer, and had to be put into a coma. Luckily he’s fully recovered."

Men's Curling: Sweden v Great Britain

GANGNEUNG, SOUTH KOREA - FEBRUARY 15: Ben Hebert of Canada delivers a stone compete during the Curling Men's Round Robin Session 3 held at Gangneung Curling Centre on February 15, 2018 in Gangneung, South Korea. (Photo by Robert Cianflone/Getty Images)

11.45am on BBC1

"Brushing the ice in front of the stone is called sweeping," says former British track and field athelte Steve Cram. "It helps the stone to curl more and travel further. People might not realise that the ice isn’t smooth. They spray tiny droplets of water onto the surface before each game, creating icy beads: that’s what the stones slide on. Curling is a game of millimetres."

Medal Events

Skeleton: Men's Final

Alpine Skiing: Women's Slalom

Alpine Skiing: Men's Super G

Snowboarding: Women's Snowboard cross finals

Cross Country Skiing: Men's 15km Freestyle

Freestyle Skiing: Women's Aerials

Speed Skating: Women's 5,000m final

How to watch the Winter Olympics 2018 live on TV

Both the BBC and Eurosport will have live coverage of the Games, but as host city Pyeongchang is nine hours ahead of the UK, some events will take place overnight. See listings for details of replays and highlights. There will also be a round-up show every evening on BBC and BBC4.

If you don't have Eurosport, you can access all of their content online: subscribe to Eurosport Player here, or alternatively head over to Amazon Channels to watch all 18 Eurosport streams. Watch here.

12.15am—6.00 BBC1

12 midnight LIVE Curling: men’s round-robin matches
12.30am LIVE Skeleton: men’s third run
1.15 LIVE Curling: men’s round-robin
2.00 LIVE Skeleton: men’s fourth run
3.00 LIVE Snowboarding: women’s snowboard cross final
4.00 LIVE Figure Skating: men’s short programme
5.30 LIVE Curling: women’s round- robin matches

6.00am—9.15 BBC2

9.15 LIVE Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary — Olympic Athletes from Russia v Slovenia
10.00 Cross Country Skiing: men’s 15km
11.00 LIVE Skeleton: women’s rst run
11.45 LIVE Curling: men’s round-robin — Sweden v Great Britain
12.30pm LIVE Skeleton: women’s second run

1.00pm—6.00 BBC2

1.00pm LIVE Skeleton: women’s second run
1.30 LIVE Curling: men’s round-robin — Sweden v Great Britain
2.30 Speed Skating: women’s 5,000m

7.00—8.00 BBC2 Today at the Games

8.00—9.00 BBC4 Winter Olympics Extra A round-up of the day’s action



12.30am LIVE Skeleton: men’s third run
1.30 Luge: team relay
2.00 LIVE Skeleton: men’s fourth run
3.05 LIVE Snowboarding: women’s snowboard cross final
4.00 LIVE Figure Skating: men’s short programme
5.30 Freestyle Skiing: women’s aerials qualifying
5.45 LIVE Cross Country Skiing: men’s 15km
7.50 Curling: men’s round-robin matches
9.00 Snowboarding: women’s snowboard cross final
10.00 Skeleton: men’s third/fourth runs
11.00 LIVE Skeleton: women’s first and second runs
1.15pm Speed Skating: women’s 5,000m
2.30 Olympic Extra
3.00 Figure Skating: men’s short programme
4.00 Cross Country Skiing: men’s 15km
5.00 Skeleton: men’s third/fourth runs
6.30 Ski Jumping: men’s normal hill qualification
7.00 Olympic Round-up
8.30 Skeleton: men’s third/fourth runs
10.00 Ski Jumping: men’s normal hill qualification
10.30 Olympic Extra
11.00—12.30am Olympic Games Round-up



12.30am Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary round matches
2.30 Nordic Combined: 10km
3.00 LIVE Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary round match, USA v Slovakia
5.30 Biathlon: men’s 20km
6.15 Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary round match, USA v Slovakia
7.30 LIVE Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary, Olympic Athletes from Russia v Slovenia
10.00 Snowboarding: women’s snowboard cross
11.00 LIVE Freestyle Skiing: women’s aerials final
12.20 LIVE Ski Jumping: men’s normal hill qualification
1.40—2.30 LIVE Ice Hockey: men’s preliminary round match, Finland v Norway
4.00 Curling: women’s round-robin matches
5.00 Curling: men’s round-robin matches
6.00—7.00 Figure Skating: men’s short programme
8.30 Freestyle Skiing: women’s aerials final
9.30 Snowboarding: women’s snowboard cross final
10.30—11.00 Freestyle Skiing: women’s aerials final


Ben AllenOn Demand Writer,